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Modi Celebrates Diwali With LoC Soldiers

Anta Assamey

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Nowshera district on Thursday, November 4 to celebrate Diwali with soldiers stationed near the Line of Control (LoC). Modi extended his greetings to soldiers on the occasion of Diwali.

He spoke about a wide range of topics right from wishing soldiers to talking about women empowerment and terrorism. Modi said that since he wanted to spend Diwali with family members this time, he decided to join soldiers to celebrate. Talking about women empowerment, Modi said that the role of women in the area of security of the nation is touching newer heights.


The women are now given a permanent commission in the army and the doors of premiere military institutions have also been opened for women. Speaking of terrorism, PM said that despite repeated attempts made to spread terrorism after the surgical strike, the country managed to give a befitting reply. “It fills every Indian with pride in the role this brigade played during the surgical strike. I feel connected to the light & courage emanating from this place.”

Addressing army personnel in Jammu and Kashmir on the auspicious occasion, PM pointed out that they were the “suraksha kawach” (armour) of the nation. “Our soldiers are the ‘suraksha kawach’ of ‘Maa Bharti’. It is because of you all that people of our country can sleep peacefully and there is happiness during festivals,” Modi said.


Modi added that Indian border and coastal areas which lacked normal connectivity now have roads, optical fibres to boost deployment capabilities, facilities for soldiers. Since this is the second time Modi is celebrating Diwali with soldiers, he quoted ” I have spent each Diwali with soldiers guarding our borders. Today, I have brought along with me the blessings of crores of Indians for our soldiers here”.

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