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Get rid off these god damn old folks..


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  • Hundreds of former IBM employees are suing for age discrimination
  •  A company executive allegedly referred to older employees as 'dinobabies'  that should be an 'extinct species' in an email quoted in court filings
  • Another said the company's 'dated maternal workforce' was something that 'must change' , writing that they were 'Not digital natives. A real threat for us'
  • A spokesperson denied that IBM engaged in mass age discrimination, noting that 37 percent of the company's new hired since 2010 were over the age of 40
  •  The median age of the company's employees was 48 in 2020, the company said in a statement, unchanged since 2010
  • But IBM had fired as many as 100,000 older employees in 2019, according to a court deposition from Alan Wild, former vice president of human resources
  •  Between 2013 and 2018, according to ProPublica, older employees accounted for 60 percent of job cuts
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if they are not working per expectations they should be fired. but nothing wrong otherwise in someone sticking to job for long time.

i also feel companies just want people to always work their ass off for lower pays…that’s another reason for this talk, as older employees don’t usually work the extra hours the management wants.

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