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Type 2 diabetes


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2 hours ago, budgetpadbhanabam said:


just noticed you got type1 its little chronic but don't worry and follow medication asap.

don't panic, stress will make this bad... just follow simple changes below don't plan for aggressive diet and workout regime which you eventually quit and back to zero. 



Breakfast:(finsh by 😎

1.  Almond milk 30 cal with regular cereal


2. egg white with lot of veggies


3.  one cup non fat Greek yogurt with almonds, little honey 


morning snack(around 10): green tea with some almonds


lunch(around 12) dinner(fisnish before 7.45 max 😎

 eat regular Indian food making sure to divide the plate into 3 portions( carb, protein and greens)

1. Carb: make sure the plate got one cup(50 to 80gm ) cooked rice brown or white or quinoa

2.  green: Get couple of bag of greens from costco and dress with light ranch and add one cup 

or any leafy veg curry

3.protein:  if vegetarian: Lentils, chana dal(you can make it a curry) etc if non veg: one portion meat not more than 100g


Afternoon snack:

Green tea 


Eve snack(around 5)

1. One green apple 


2. green juice( celary, spinach, cucumber, green apple half, ginger for taste)


Finish dinner by 8.00 pm


Work out simple:


1. Walk for 15 mins after each meal must and should

2. Early morning 30  min walk after waking up


follow this for 30 days and keep checking your sugar level. if this dint work let me know.





Super kaka ! 

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8 hours ago, AndhraPickles said:

May be neeku treatment lo steroids vadaaremo...like betamethasone tabs or dexa others.....a person (was treated with steroid for covid) with same scenario reversed back with diet and exercise..

He was on

Morning- 1 mug of green tea, 6 egg whites

Lunch- limited rice and large portion of steamed greens, no curd

Dinner: salad and limited curd rice

Whith in 6 months his condition reversed to pre diab and is now on further observation....

His type 2 diabetes medication included- metformin 1000/ dapagliflozin 10 once in the morning.

U don't need to worry, ur determination will save your health bro..remember- exercise, green tea, healthy diet with protiens...with a target 9 month..


I got Covid … but I just slept for three days taking paracetamol.. no treatment.. I took three doses of covid vaccines

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Diabetes Mellitus 





Component Results

Glucose Fasting Your Value394 mg/dL Standard Range65 - 99 mg/dL
BUN Your Value12 mg/dL Standard Range10 - 20 mg/dL
Creatinine Your Value1.00 mg/dL Standard Range0.80 - 1.50 mg/dL
Sodium Your Value135 mmol/L Standard Range135 - 145 mmol/L
Potassium Your Value4.3 mmol/L Standard Range3.5 - 5.0 mmol/L
Chloride Your Value97 mmol/L Standard Range98 - 107 mmol/L
CO2 Your Value25 mmol/L Standard Range22 - 31 mmol/L
Anion Gap Your Value13 mmol/L Standard Range5 - 15 mmol/L
Calcium Your Value9.2 mg/dL Standard Range8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL
Total Protein Your Value7.3 g/dL Standard Range6.1 - 8.0 g/dL
Albumin Your Value4.6 g/dL Standard Range3.2 - 5.2 g/dL
AST Your Value22 unit/L Standard Range0 - 39 unit/L
ALT Your Value39 unit/L Standard Range0 - 55 unit/L
Alk Phos Your Value116 unit/L Standard Range40 - 130 unit/L
Total Bilirubin Your Value0.5 mg/dL Standard Range0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL
Estimated GFR Your Value98 mL/min/1.73 m² Standard Range>=60 mL/min/1.73 m²


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39 minutes ago, FrontMan said:

I got Covid … but I just slept for three days taking paracetamol.. no treatment.. I took three doses of covid vaccines

In 2017, TEDDY study reported an increased risk of β-cell autoimmunity in a group of 87,327 patients with a recent respiratory infection, involving both the upper and the lower respiratory tract. Overall, the 5.8% of enrolled patients developed persistent pancreatic islet autoimmunity, with single or multiple T1DM autoantibodies at seroconversion after 9 months from the respiratory infection. Autoantibodies were more commonly detected in patients with severe respiratory disease, although mild symptomatic infections were also associated with autoimmunity. Interestingly, coronaviruses were identified among the different pathogens involved [7]. In 2018, a cohort study investigated the relationship between T1DM and both pandemic and seasonal influenza infections: although a clear association was not demonstrated, a twofold excess of incident T1DM was found among the 76,173 patients with pandemic H1N1 infection diagnosed by laboratory or specialist healthcare ...Autoimmune insulitis and pancreatic β-cell destruction could be triggered by viral infections through several mechanisms.

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11 hours ago, FrontMan said:

I am a healthy adult.32

no smoking or drinking habits.. I think Covid triggered something .. I have type 1 diabetes now.. all of you who had covid .. just for safe side get your blood tested for everything..


no family history of type 1 or type 2 in my family.. my grand father had in his late stages of life:.. he lived up to 86 with just medication.. no one else in family

Type 1 is not simple .you may have to take insulin . Any advice you are getting here mostly related to type 2 . 

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10 hours ago, hyperbole said:

You don’t need to take medication as long as you maintain right life style, my manager has got in early 30s and he is mid 50s, he runs 4-5 miles daily and eats/drinks like normal person without any medication 

Don't give wrong advice . You don't know OP condition . His doctor can give right advice for him.

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44 minutes ago, kichikamukavu said:

Type 1 is not simple .you may have to take insulin . Any advice you are getting here mostly related to type 2 . 

I guess it's type 2.. asking my php. Just did blood test after fasting for 13 hours..287 vachindhi reading

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8 minutes ago, FrontMan said:

I guess it's type 2.. asking my php. Just did blood test after fasting for 13 hours..287 vachindhi reading

Don't neglect . What ever method you choose to control your blood glucose levels ( tablets, insulin,food) maintain your blood glucose under limits.

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4 minutes ago, kichikamukavu said:

Don't neglect . What ever method you choose to control your blood glucose levels ( tablets, insulin,food) maintain your blood glucose under limits.

Today is my first day as diabetic..Mari 394 after eating food..na age ki too much

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18 minutes ago, FrontMan said:

Today is my first day as diabetic..Mari 394 after eating food..na age ki too much

was your last physicals normal ? you should have seen pre diabetic symptoms .

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1 minute ago, kichikamukavu said:

was your last physicals normal ? you should have seen pre diabetic symptoms .

Nothing covid ki mundhu it was quite normal

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