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The Hate Against Tesla Cars Is Real, And Here's Yet Another Scary Road - Rage Video To Prove It ! | California Driver Harassed for 20 Minutes - 911 Called - Police Offer No Help ! | Glendale Arizona Tesla Driver Punched in the Face | Videos from all over


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Not just Tesla idiots are everywhere, I personally had bad experiences in couple of instances although at that time we didn’t had a Tesla, some drunkard lunatic was tail gating me and when I changed lanes he would change too, called 911 and I was told police would be on 2-3 exits from where I had called, other time was on a trip to Disney in LA when a group of people were racing mid night and I almost crashed into one of them as they cut me and then I honked, then they did something similar like trap me before I let them pass me and took an exit.


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The Sentry Mode looks like it can be a hit or miss with helping apprehend miscreants. 

The lion share of the hatred comes from a mix of factors.

  • Tesla owners tend to be environmentally-conscious people (although not exclusively or not necessarily). This ticks off people having to pay higher everything owing to 'green' surcharges everywhere these days.
  • Teslas represent a very visible symbol of left-leaning culture, in general. Think about it - there are not very many everyday things that are such easy targets that come from the left field. Especially in red states or in red parts of a blue state.
  • Tesla owners are to some extent showing off privilege despite being not very wealthy. They're certainly not Bentley, Rolls or Supercar tier people. ( Perceptions matter. Those people are seen as somewhat untouchable because they can afford pricey lawyers to go after you. By the same token they could assault you & get away with it coz their money buys lawyers your ass couldn't afford. ) Yet these Tesla owners choose to pay a premium & signal privilege. I think this ticks off a lot of people. ( See what the French guy says in the vid below - "You think youre special coz you drive a Tesla?" )
  • More simply they equate 'green' people as a sign of everything wrong with the country. When Prius launched there was similar animosity but that was the pre-Trump era ( heck Obama just got elected when the Plug-in was first launched ) & people werent so easily rustled. Things are very different now.
  • ICE vehicle drivers expect you to drive 5-10 mph above the speed limit which Teslas discourage. That could be a factor too. We all have driven behind slow pokes & know how infuriating it is.   





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I wonder just how effective the Stand-your-ground law in Texas is in fending off altercations or casual assaults. The reasoning usually is that you never know who might be packing heat. Perhaps why the guy above backed off despite the confrontation. 


Exactly what is legally admissible as falling under Stand-Your-Ground could be debated but I wouldn't be surprised if this Texas Father-Son duo are acquitted of all charges. They did warn him to back off several times, in their defense. 






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