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Any idea why RSS/BJP losers are invoking this dumb lie now?


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5 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

you mean like your parents who support him - they are kamma toadies too ? i support him on some decisions. I have no loyaltyy to a person - those are your characters - look at how you crave for feudal jagan or biden.

Infact you are projecting your toadiness to others.

my parents are idiots. no point discussing them.

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10 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

i dont agree with his views. But they are his views. I wont diminish him just because he is a reddy. which is what you do to me.

you don't agree with his views, but you don't have the balls to confront him on them. lmao.

because he's your fellow uppercaste scum. I don't care for any uppercaste scum's hurt feelings. yours or veerigaadus.

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1 minute ago, Raven_Rayes said:

how do you condemn casteism of kammas, I wonder? by typing the word 'condemn' whenever kamma casteism is brought up? lmao.

nah, I make the assertion that you are a kamma fanatic because you constantly troll people just for their comments on sandrabob. its something only a casteist would have the energy to do.

my parents are not kammas. they are just simple minded idiots, who lucked into money. not like your parents who taught you to be racist towards telangana people and people who disagreed with kammas. lmao.

yes - thats all. what more can i do in a forum ? and why is that not enough to you ? it is not enough because you are vindictive - you want to see me suffer in some way to saitsfy your hatred.

I am not a kamma andi can never be racist to tg people. fkc off ra narsi ga.

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Just now, Raven_Rayes said:

you don't agree with his views, but you don't have the balls to confront him on them. lmao.

because he's your fellow uppercaste scum. I don't care for any uppercaste scum's hurt feelings. yours or veerigaadus.

i made an entire thread to confront him  and i named the castes - reddies and kammas and brahmins in that. i am nto cheap like you are @bhaigan


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17 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

rey picchi narsi ga. I asked you a simple question what evidence do you have that brahmins are going away from bjp. It was clearly pertaining to the topic. You are the one who started calling me casteist fellow and then cried about you being anti-andhra.

YOu already forgot how devious you are ? just look up your post history in this thread you nut case.

i answered it already. brahmin support to bjp/congress is contingent on them holding pole position. They don't give out their support like candy. nor can they be made politically irrelevant like tamil brahmins (who were numerically irrelevant) were made in TN.

you brought up brahmin casteism into the discussion, when there's no need to. especially because your own behaviour condones people like veerigadu for openly espousing caste positions. so you are okay when reddies do it, but not okay when brahmins do it, is it?

that's why I said you should stfu about casteism and stick to the topic.



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4 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

i made an entire thread to confront him  and i named the castes - reddies and kammas and brahmins in that. i am nto cheap like you are @bhaigan


you call that 'confronting'? lmao.

you let that guy post a lot of sh1t without questioning him.

just admit that you don't want to piss him off for some reason. I'm assuming that reason is because he's fellow uppercaste scum.

since I have no such reservations with you or that asshole, attacking me is all kosher for you.

its about your 'hurt ego', not about you being anti-caste.

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9 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

yes - thats all. what more can i do in a forum ? and why is that not enough to you ? it is not enough because you are vindictive - you want to see me suffer in some way to saitsfy your hatred.

I am not a kamma andi can never be racist to tg people. fkc off ra narsi ga.

why are you even trolling me incessantly tagging me in every thread (for some reason you stopped it in the past week, which is appreciated)?

I want to see you suffer? I want you to never tag me ever. coz I have nothin to tell you or learn from you.

you stick to your uppercaste friends, pleading with them to pls not be casteist, and leave me the fcuk out.

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21 minutes ago, Raven_Rayes said:

you call that 'confronting'? lmao.

you let that guy post a lot of sh1t without questioning him.

just admit that you don't want to piss him off for some reason. I'm assuming that reason is because he's fellow uppercaste scum.

since I have no such reservations with you or that asshole, attacking me is all kosher for you.

its about your 'hurt ego', not about you being anti-caste.

rey narsi ga - when did you ever have the guts to name a caste and talk about caste behaviour. thats what attacking is - taking a principled stance. Not like you or @bhaigan whose lungis comes off at the mention of kammas or sendraal but keep quiet on everything else.

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4 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

rey narsi ga - when did you ever have the guts to name a caste and talk about caste behaviour. thats what attacking is - taking a principled stance. Not like you or @bhaigan whose lungis comes off at the mention of kammas or sendraal but keep quiet on everything else.

there's no need to name any caste. all of them partake in brahminism. including dalit castes who have hierarchy among themselves.

I've never actually attacked kammas or their casteism specifically in this db ever, until you decided to hide behind branding me as anti-kamma, at which point I stopped trying to not mention the caste name specifically.

what principled stance are you taking here? I don't understand. you are simply using kamma caste as a shield to deflect my criticism of your views.

I don't understand why you talk about guts in a discussion forum... that too when you go out of your way to make sure that fellow uppercastes are not pissed off with your comments. that veerigadu thread you linked to as an example of your 'guts' is just laughable.

exceptions ofcourse are those from TG, and I. you can freely spew venom on us coz you are a racist. I mean what other conclusions should I draw from your extraordinary niceness to veerigadu? that his comments are not offensive to you, while mine are? lmao.

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17 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

rey narsi ga - when did you ever have the guts to name a caste and talk about caste behaviour. thats what attacking is - taking a principled stance. Not like you or @bhaigan whose lungis comes off at the mention of kammas or sendraal but keep quiet on everything else.


I keep quiet on everything else? do you even realise 90% of the db has me on ignore? do you know why? coz I speak in the same way I speak to you. I have zero respect for all uppercaste dumbfcuks here, which is almost everyone.

you are dumb enough to get agitated and start a marathon response session with me. others are smart enough to simply ignore what I say. and stick to their bigoted friends here.

your problem that you don't have friends here to talk to, is not mine. as long as you tag me, I will keep responding to you with disdain.

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5 minutes ago, Raven_Rayes said:

there's no need to name any caste. all of them partake in brahminism. including dalit castes who have hierarchy among themselves.

I've never actually attacked kammas or their casteism specifically in this db ever, until you decided to hide behind branding me as anti-kamma, at which point I stopped trying to not mention the caste name specifically.

what principled stance are you taking here? I don't understand. you are simply using kamma caste as a shield to deflect my criticism of your views.

I don't understand why you talk about guts in a discussion forum... that too when you go out of your way to make sure that fellow uppercastes are not pissed off with your comments. that veerigadu thread you linked to as an example of your 'guts' is just laughable.

exceptions ofcourse are those from TG, and I. you can freely spew venom on us coz you are a racist. I mean what other conclusions should I draw from your extraordinary niceness to veerigadu? that his comments are not offensive to you, while mine are? lmao.

i think you confuse  cause and effect pretty easily. you are delusional that way. 

Naming castes is something that comes naturally in a discussion on castes . It is funny you act like that is beneath you but make a song and dance that i dont do anything than "condemn".

you have to grow up a lot and so @bhaigan

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1 minute ago, Telugodura456 said:

i think you confuse  cause and effect pretty easily. you are delusional that way. 

Naming castes is something that comes naturally in a discussion on castes . It is funny you act like that is beneath you but make a song and dance that i dont do anything than "condemn".

you have to grow up a lot and so @bhaigan

dude, I've been here way longer than you've been. You're the first one to accuse me of being anti-Kamma. Even when the entire db used to mock Kammas, I myself have made threads mocking those who mock kammas. and not once.

not to say I'm pro-kamma. i'm definitely not. but pretending like one caste has to bear the brunt of the casteist order is silly. whether it is kammas or brahmins.

I do hate sandrabob. its a visceral hatred for his anti people politics. his bureaucratic style of governance just pisses me off. On top of the incompetence.

if naming castes is so kosher in a db, why are you trolling me accusing me of anti-kamma? that assuming that according to you I said something about kamma (which I didn't coz kammas never even cross my mind) that triggered your more than year long obsession with me. what kind of bs logic is this?

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8 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

Naming castes is something that comes naturally in a discussion on castes . It is funny you act like that is beneath you but make a song and dance that i dont do anything than "condemn".

I said I won't name any castes. you can name whoever you want, as long as you don't get pissed off when someone else names your fav caste.

that kind of hypocrisy is disgusting. given your pretense that you are anti-caste.


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14 minutes ago, Telugodura456 said:

i think you confuse  cause and effect pretty easily. you are delusional that way. 

Naming castes is something that comes naturally in a discussion on castes . It is funny you act like that is beneath you but make a song and dance that i dont do anything than "condemn".

you have to grow up a lot and so @bhaigan

I think you love this uppercaste scum db.

go around begging people to pls be anti-caste.

if you want someone to shout at, there are always TG ids. you can pretend like andhra ids are all making perfectly reasonable rational arguments that don't need to be countered at all, or just need some minor nudging to signal your anti-casteist stand.

tg ids however need to be countered with the full force of all leftist posturing.. lmao.


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2 minutes ago, Raven_Rayes said:

dude, I've been here way longer than you've been. You're the first one to accuse me of being anti-Kamma. Even when the entire db used to mock Kammas, I myself have made threads mocking those who mock kammas. and not once.

not to say I'm pro-kamma. i'm definitely not. but pretending like one caste has to bear the brunt of the casteist order is silly. whether it is kammas or brahmins.

I do hate sandrabob. its a visceral hatred for his anti people politics. his bureaucratic style of governance just pisses me off. On top of the incompetence.

if naming castes is so kosher in a db, why are you trolling me accusing me of anti-kamma? that assuming that according to you I said something about kamma (which I didn't coz kammas never even cross my mind) that triggered your more than year long obsession with me. what kind of bs logic is this?

you are quiet delusional ra narsi. what you think of yourself and how you behave is two different thingks.

You wouldnt have made the conjecture that supporting SOME cbn politics makes me a kamma bigot unless you have  clearly anti-kamma feeling. You have it based on some people surronding you or whatever but its there.

why visceral hatred ? and what anti-people politics? there is nothing unique about his anti-people politics. At any point andhra was always several notches more pro welfare than any of the brahmin rss ruled states. That visceral hatred itself comes from a STRONG anti andhra and kamma bias.

And no i never see you mocking casteism per se - i think you are Ok with casteism - you said it and you are also not anti-racist or something. You mostly fight with veerigadu on  muslims things - i dont think you have the guts to fight casteism.

You are not that complex ra narsi ga. what makes you complex is you trying to spin you are something else.

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