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Husband with wife

From his death bed, the husband called his wife and said,

"One month after I die I want you to marry Samy."

"Samy! But he is your enemy !"

"Yes, I know that ! I've suffered all these years so let him suffer now."

Obedient to mother

One day a father called his 6 children together and asked, "Now tell me, who has been most obedient during last week and did everything mother asked?"

In one voice they all replied, "You, Daddy!"

Indian Prime Minister

Indian Prime Minister:    We are sending Indians to the moon next year!

US President: Wow! How many?

Indian Prime Minister: 7 OBC, 5 SC, 8 ST, 3 Handicapped, 2 Sports Persons, 3 Terrorist Affected, 3 Kashmiri Migrants, 2 MPs & 1 Astronaut.

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