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if orkut comes back


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6 hours ago, tables said:

again.. how many will be interested?

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3 hours ago, Vaampire said:

Orkut was build using asp.net & was hosted on microsoft servers. Google had to spent 10x amount on orkut to maintain it compared to the revenue it was generating.

the problem is that google never migrated orkut from asp.net to google tech stack and never added good features and in the meantime fb took over.

and the funny part is the director who proposed shutting down orkut(also implemented it) got promoted for doing it 😀😀😀


had google properly utilized orkut, it would have been total different story

Facebook could never become what it is now ...

Google still suffers from product cannibalization and also rewarding new features and products, instead of doing what consumer want.

Each new product would mean a VP , product and engineering managers, who get to brag about it and walk away with millions. That product won't even survive couple of years.

They also have this Google way of doing it - they didn't like what AWS did in cloud, which is built iteratively working with real uses and customers. They want to do their own way and lost precious time. 


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