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1 minute ago, Raven_Rayes said:

thats just you excusing yourself for eating meat.. of an animal that was grown just to feed you.

if you thought industrial slaughter houses are bad... raising your own chicken, lamb to meat or milk is even worse.. coz the animal trusts you.



Just now, dasari4kntr said:

you should criticize…capitalized animal farms..i too agree..they just kill or abuse for profit…



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2 minutes ago, Raven_Rayes said:

thats just you excusing yourself for eating meat.. of an animal that was grown just to feed you.

if you thought industrial slaughter houses are bad... raising your own chicken, lamb to meat or milk is even worse.. coz the animal trusts you.


i am. ot excusing my self..i grow plants…i seen how they are not different from any animal or human…

only thing is we understand only animals…

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Just now, dasari4kntr said:

you should criticize…capitalized animal farms..i too agree..they just kill or abuse for profit…


I rarely open my mouth now about it. I enjoy my tofu and vegan whey now.

eventually people will give up eating animals. when lab grown meat becomes cheaper than factory farmed one. same with milk.. its all in the economics.

no point trying to convince people. When they find a cheaper alternative, they will shift away from killing/torturing animals

then there is this atrocious 'family farms'.. those have to be outlawed at some point when majority of the population have turned to eating lab grows stuff.

 family farms where they treat cattle like family, only to kill and eat it after a while. sounds horrid.

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2 minutes ago, dasari4kntr said:

i am. ot excusing my self..i grow plants…i seen how they are not different from any animal or human…

only thing is we understand only animals…

plants are not different from animal or human? in what way?

I'm sorrrry but that's just an excuse to continue eating meat as an excuse to be part of the 'circle of life'.

if you were lower in the food chain, you'd know the pain of torture animals have to go through to feed you

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37 minutes ago, dasari4kntr said:

i am. ot excusing my self..i grow plants…i seen how they are not different from any animal or human…

only thing is we understand only animals…

Its fine (actually not that fine, but okay).. most of us are raised to eat meat.

one day it'll change though. because humans inspite of making basic errors in evolving into better beings, will eventually in the long run do the right thing. give up meat forever.

I just think that nature's way of doing things (violent way) should be destroyed... and if needed far greater violence be used for that purpose.. Like killing all lions and top predators.

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1 hour ago, Raven_Rayes said:

plants are not different from animal or human? in what way?

I'm sorrrry but that's just an excuse to continue eating meat as an excuse to be part of the 'circle of life'.

if you were lower in the food chain, you'd know the pain of torture animals have to go through to feed you

looks like i am not communicating enough to you or your not getting my point..

giving counter in point to point is not my cup of tea..i am writing all my thoughts about this here…thats my final thought…

చెట్లు మొక్కలు ….జంతువులతో సమానం ఎందుకంటే...మనకి జంతువులకి వున్న పురుష అవయవాలు స్త్రీ అవయవాలు మొక్కలకి కూడా ఉంటాయిమనం గాలి పీల్చినట్లే అవీ పీలుస్తాయిమనకు neutrition food ఎలా అవశరమో వాటికి అవసరంఒక మొక్క భూమి పైన ఎంత పెరుగుద్దో భూమి కింద కూడా అంతే పెరుగుద్దివేర్ళు గురించి చదువులేదా nitrogen cycle చదువునీకు అర్దమౌతుందిఅవి జంతువులతో ఎందుకు సమానమో


food chain స్టార్ట్ అయ్యేదే మొక్కలతోమనం మనుషుల్యం భూమి ఉన్నదే తినాలిఅది మొక్క అయినా కోడి ముక్క అయినా...గతంలో ఇలాగే బ్రిటిష్ కాలంలో పాముల వళ్ళ ఉపయోగం లేదు.. అపాయం తప్ప అని దొరికిన పాముని దొరకని పాముని వేటాడి చంపారుతర్వత పంట దిగుబడి తగ్గితే అర్దం అయ్యింది జనాలకి..ఎలుకలు ఎంత ఇబ్బిడిమబ్బిడగా పెరిగాయో..thats the food chain…దాని జోలికి మనం వెళ్ళి దానిని ఉద్ధరించాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు…అందుకే నేను చెప్పేది live with nature..అని..

 రోజుటికి రోజు నాకు జంతువుల మీద ప్రేమ  వచ్చింది నేను మాంసం తినను అంటే మంచిదే…good for you..కాని ఇప్పడు నీకు కొత్తగా వచ్చిన జ్ఞానోదయం తోతినే వాళ్ళని judge చెయొద్దు..

ఒకవేళ judge చేస్తే మీ మొక్కలని తినే కార్యక్రమాన్ని ఆపి judge చేయండిఎందుకంటే మొక్కలు కూడా బతుకుతాయి..చస్తాయిగాలి పీలుస్తాయి పెరుగుతాయి మీరు తినటం ఆపితే…

left wing people ,right wing people కి ఇదే పోలిక (similarity)…ఒకరి ఆహర అలవాట్లని judge చేయటంమీ పోరాటం తినే వాళ్ళ పైన కాకుండాజంతువులని హింసించి cute గా కనిపించడం కోసం కొత్త కొత్త రకాల కుక్క పిల్లల్ని తయారుచేసే breading పద్దతులపైన పెడితే కుక్కలకి మిగతా జంతువులకి పెద్ద సేవ చేసిన వాళ్ళవుతారు



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