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Donald Trump Set to Announce 2024 Presidential Bid


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PALM BEACH, Fla.—Don­ald Trump is poised to launch a third con­sec­u­tive White House bid, aim­ing to reaf­firm his po­si­tion as the Re­pub­li­can stan­dard-bearer de­spite dis­ap­point­ing midterm elec­tion re­sults that have led some party lead­ers to sug­gest the po­lar­iz­ing for­mer pres­i­dent step aside.

Mr. Trump, who has set a 9 p.m. Tues­day an­nounce­ment from his Mar-a-Lago es­tate, has fired back in re­cent days at in­tra­party crit­ics and po­ten­tial ri­vals for the nom­i­na­tion, pri­mar­ily Flor­ida Gov. Ron De­San­tis, whose over­whelm­ing re-elec­tion win Tues­day con­firmed his stand­ing as the lead­ing cur­rent al­ter­na­tive to Mr. Trump.

De­spite signs of dis­sat­is­fac­tion with Mr. Trump, he en­joys broad grass-roots sup­port, has tens of mil­lions in cam­paign cash and a his­tory of steam­rolling com­peti­tors. He has re­shaped the GOP de­mo­graph­i­cally, at­tract­ing more work­ing-class vot­ers, and has fun­da­men­tally shifted the par­ty’s pol­icy ap­proaches on trade, China, im­mi­gra­tion and other is­sues.

Now, at age 76, he ap­pears de­ter­mined to avenge his 2020 loss to Joe Biden, who turns 80 on Sun­day and has in­di­cated he wants to seek a sec­ond term. Mr. Trump con­tin­ues to claim wide­spread voter fraud in that elec­tion. There was no ev­i­dence of such fraud, and Mr. Trump’s cam­paign and its al­lies lost mul­ti­ple law­suits seek­ing to over­turn the re­sults.

“We’re tak­ing back that beau­ti­ful house,” Mr. Trump said at a rally in Penn­syl­va­nia days be­fore the midterm elec­tion.

No for­mer pres­i­dent in the mod­ern era has at­tempted such a come­back; the last suc­cess­ful one was Grover Cleve­land, who was de­nied re-elec­tion in 1888 but re­bounded in 1892.

Mr. Trump is launch­ing a new cam­paign while fac­ing sev­eral le­gal en­tan­gle­ments, in­clud­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions into his busi­ness deal­ings, his in­volve­ment in ef­forts to over­turn the 2020 re­sults and the Jus­tice De­part­ment’s crim­i­nal probe into pres­i­den­tial records and doc­u­ments la­beled clas­si­fied he stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The an­nounce­ment would put the Jus­tice De­part­ment into the tricky po­si­tion of in­ves­ti­gat­ing the de­clared op­po­nent of Pres­i­dent Biden, who se­lected At­tor­ney Gen­eral Mer­rick Gar­land in part for his prom­ise to keep the agency free of par­ti­san in­flu­ence.

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53 minutes ago, dasari4kntr said:

PALM BEACH, Fla.—Don­ald Trump is poised to launch a third con­sec­u­tive White House bid, aim­ing to reaf­firm his po­si­tion as the Re­pub­li­can stan­dard-bearer de­spite dis­ap­point­ing midterm elec­tion re­sults that have led some party lead­ers to sug­gest the po­lar­iz­ing for­mer pres­i­dent step aside.

Mr. Trump, who has set a 9 p.m. Tues­day an­nounce­ment from his Mar-a-Lago es­tate, has fired back in re­cent days at in­tra­party crit­ics and po­ten­tial ri­vals for the nom­i­na­tion, pri­mar­ily Flor­ida Gov. Ron De­San­tis, whose over­whelm­ing re-elec­tion win Tues­day con­firmed his stand­ing as the lead­ing cur­rent al­ter­na­tive to Mr. Trump.

De­spite signs of dis­sat­is­fac­tion with Mr. Trump, he en­joys broad grass-roots sup­port, has tens of mil­lions in cam­paign cash and a his­tory of steam­rolling com­peti­tors. He has re­shaped the GOP de­mo­graph­i­cally, at­tract­ing more work­ing-class vot­ers, and has fun­da­men­tally shifted the par­ty’s pol­icy ap­proaches on trade, China, im­mi­gra­tion and other is­sues.

Now, at age 76, he ap­pears de­ter­mined to avenge his 2020 loss to Joe Biden, who turns 80 on Sun­day and has in­di­cated he wants to seek a sec­ond term. Mr. Trump con­tin­ues to claim wide­spread voter fraud in that elec­tion. There was no ev­i­dence of such fraud, and Mr. Trump’s cam­paign and its al­lies lost mul­ti­ple law­suits seek­ing to over­turn the re­sults.

“We’re tak­ing back that beau­ti­ful house,” Mr. Trump said at a rally in Penn­syl­va­nia days be­fore the midterm elec­tion.

No for­mer pres­i­dent in the mod­ern era has at­tempted such a come­back; the last suc­cess­ful one was Grover Cleve­land, who was de­nied re-elec­tion in 1888 but re­bounded in 1892.

Mr. Trump is launch­ing a new cam­paign while fac­ing sev­eral le­gal en­tan­gle­ments, in­clud­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions into his busi­ness deal­ings, his in­volve­ment in ef­forts to over­turn the 2020 re­sults and the Jus­tice De­part­ment’s crim­i­nal probe into pres­i­den­tial records and doc­u­ments la­beled clas­si­fied he stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The an­nounce­ment would put the Jus­tice De­part­ment into the tricky po­si­tion of in­ves­ti­gat­ing the de­clared op­po­nent of Pres­i­dent Biden, who se­lected At­tor­ney Gen­eral Mer­rick Gar­land in part for his prom­ise to keep the agency free of par­ti­san in­flu­ence.

Republicans will not 2024 if DT is going to run, so add 4 more years of sleepy joe

8 yrs of sleepy joe is sure recipe of US as disaster, better to plan for exit plan if situation gets bad here

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6 minutes ago, pakeer_saab said:

Republicans will not 2024 if DT is going to run, so add 4 more years of sleepy joe

8 yrs of sleepy joe is sure recipe of US as disaster, better to plan for exit plan if situation gets bad here

reps vachhina dems vachhina naaku pedda theda ledhu..i dont much bother..

but trump ni encourage cheyyakoodadhu…election results ni nammani vaadu malli ade elections ki elaa ready ayyadu…


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15 minutes ago, dasari4kntr said:

రేపో ఎల్లుండో…ట్విట్టర్ లో ప్రత్యక్షమవచ్చనిపిస్తుంది…

ఇది జస్ట్ నా analysis…i could be wrong too..

చూడబోతే మస్క్ ట్విట్టర్ కొన్నది లాభం కోసం కాదనిపిస్తుంది…రాజకీయ ప్రయోజనాల కోసమనిపిస్తుంది…truth app లో ట్రంప్ మస్క్ ని తిట్టటం…మస్క్ నష్టానిక ట్విట్టర్ని కొనడం…అలా జరిగిపోయాయి…

గత కొన్ని రోజులుగా మస్క్ రోజుకి సుమారుగా 25+ ట్వీట్స్ వెస్తున్నాడు..తాను ఒకప్పుడు నమ్మని DAU number ని కూడా ఈ మద్య achievement గా ట్వీట్ చేసాడు..daily active users count పెంచి ట్రంప్ ని ఆహ్వానిస్తాడనుకుంటా…

మరి లోన్ ఇచ్చినోల్ల పరిస్తితి ఎంటో చూడాలి…

just laugh if it sounds crazy..


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On 11/15/2022 at 9:15 PM, dasari4kntr said:

రేపో ఎల్లుండో…ట్విట్టర్ లో ప్రత్యక్షమవచ్చనిపిస్తుంది…


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