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Breaking engagement in the new desi trend in the US


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I am seeing this trend in Indian households, when parents don’t agree to get married to bf/gf , they just agree to some proposals parents have chosen, get engaged and pull some drama and break the engagement, just so that the parents get embarrassed, learn the lesson and agree/give blessings to get married to the gf/bf.

This guy is born and raised in India, agreed to get married to my friend who was born in India but raised in US. He was nice in the beginning but few days after ceremony he told he is not interested in the girl and broke the engagement. Couple months later he gets married to his gf (figured out from previous photos on Instagram) .

This is so embarrassing for the other party, so much of shame deceit endured.. all because Indian parents are afraid to let go of their ego and hold their power on their grown son /daughter .

Please share if you know any stories to raise awareness

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