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Stealing friends in vomerica true??


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Is this true?? 

Friends Stealing: Believe me,
haven't heard this term when I was
in India but after spending more
than 6 years in US, I can say this is
REAL! I have a fear of losing them. If
you invite 2 different groups of
friends together then there's always
a fear on back of my mind that they
will hang out without including me.
This fear derives from the past
experiences and again feelings of
being Left Out.

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30 minutes ago, hydusguy said:

thats ok... most of the families i invite is for kid... if kids of similar age are there.. and playing together.. they tend to plan n meet together

yeah. happens a lot. got to be more social and have big enough circle

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Stealing friends em vundi saami Mari inta insecure vuntey yela 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
common thought process or common needs vuntey friends automati ga ithaye kadha after college,even in college time .

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