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The Mass Exodus: Why Houston, Texas is Losing Residents.


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2 minutes ago, Spartan said:

weather ?



2 minutes ago, Spartan said:

weather ?

J. Michael Boland
I am a 75yo native Houstonian. I’d say you got it all right except for one thing regarding Zoning. Houston does NOT have poor zoning laws - we don’t have ANY zoning laws. The place grew so fast that by the time we figured out that we needed some sort of control on where we could or couldn’t build something- it was already built.
60 replies
Robert Ewing
As a new Houston resident I can definitely see why a lot of people are moving, mainly the traffic , the very hot summers , & the cost of living has gone up tremendously.
23 replies
Bikey Clown
I went to Houston during a heat wave one time. It got up to 107 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and, "cooled down," to the low 90's overnight. People were taking their daily walks after work at 9pm because it was still too hot at 7pm. It was positively hot and humid. I wondered how people made the decision to move to that part of Texas before air conditioning became affordable.
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