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Gemini Jupiter Transit 2023


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Sulekha Astro Gemini Jupiter Transit 2023 - We discuss about how those born with Gemini as their Moon sign will experience the transit of Jupiter. How this Jupiter’s transit will influence their life. How they will experience the upcoming time frame of Jupiter’s stay in Aries over various characteristics features of life, etc., Let us discuss about this in detail in this column. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Gemini is the 3rd sign of the Natural Zodiac. Mercury will be in the sign Aries when Jupiter’s transit takes place. This means Jupiter will be transiting to the 11th house from your Moon sign. This is a favorable position of Jupiter considering from your Moon sign. Jupiter will aspect your 3rd house, 5th house and 7th house.

  1. Family: The time frame from April 2023 to Oct 2023, will offer goosebumps to some of you. There will be fun and no frustration in family. Some of you will plan monsoon trip to the tourist destinations towards west.
  2. Relationship: The 5th house is currently hosting Ketu until Oct 2023. The 7th house and 8th house are free from major planetary afflictions. This means that the time frame until Oct 2023 may see minor hiccups in matters related to relationship.
  3. Finance: The time frame from Apr 2023 to Oct 2023 seems to be something which will act according to your interests. The 11th house is where Jupiter enters. There might be some sort of uncertainty on when the expected money arrives and when you will find the right investment ideas for a secured financial future.
  4. Career: The time frame from Apr 2023 to Oct 2023 will work according to plan. Also, you will be rewarded for the responsibilities that you have been working without any compromise.
  5. Business: Your 7th house lord is in itself Jupiter. Those involved in Business related to teaching, will receive good turn around if they are ready to take up any challenges. Those involved in business related to tourism will find good improvement.
  6. Health: Here some of you will find good development in health. Some of you might face troubles. This is subjective to the Dasha Bukthi and the planetary placement in your individual birth chart
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