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Virgo Jupiter Transit 2023


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Sulekha Astro Virgo Jupiter Transit 2023We discuss about how those born with Virgo as their Moon sign will experience the transit of Jupiter. How this Jupiter’s transit will influence your life? How you will experience the upcoming time frame of Jupiter’s stay in Aries over various characteristics features of life, etc., Let us discuss about this in detail in this column going forward. Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Virgo is the 6th house of the Natural Zodiac. Jupiter will be transiting to the 8th house from your Moon sign. Jupiter will aspect your 2nd house, 4th house and 12th house.

  1. Family: Jupiter will aspect your 2nd house. In this respect, you will find some good improvement with respect to what you do and what you receive in family perspective.
  2. Relationship: Those who have just completed studies, will find a good relationship going rather even before you land in to a suitable job. For others you will find a good partner for life in work place.
  3. Finance: Invest wisely. Yes, you will come across expenditures. But if you plan your finances efficiently, you could probably find the best investment arenas working out pretty well.
  4. Career: Jupiter transits to the 11th house of your house of profession, i.e., your 10th house. In this regard there is scope for improvement when it comes to profession. You will come across some good employment opportunities.
  5. Business: Think about what are all the sectors that will come good. Later you can work on what are all the strengths about the chosen field. Then you can finalize on what you are going to do ultimately. This way things will really work out really well.
  6. Health: You have to be very much inclined towards health-related problems that come from seasonal changes. Infections and other health disorders that catch up due to heat might well be common. Do not avoid seasonal fruits and vegetables
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