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Elizabeth Holmes is rebranding herself as a sweet, devoted mother. Will anyone buy it


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Now Holmes wants us to forget who she was before and get to know “Liz”: a delicate flower who, according to the Times profile, “can’t stomach R rated movies”. She is a mother of two who has been selflessly “volunteering for a rape crisis hotline”. She is a model of docility and domesticity: so much so that when the journalist profiling her, Amy Chozick, gets some dog slobber on her shoe, Liz chases after her to wipe it off.


One imagines that Holmes hopes her transformation into Liz will improve her image and perhaps shorten her prison sentence. So will it? Will the right people buy her metamorphosis? I don’t know. What I do know is that Chozick was immediately put in Twitter jail for the profile, which caused an outpouring of outrage online. People accused her of not being critical enough of Holmes and seemingly being taken in by the “I’m just a doting mother” rebrand. Which is somewhat unfair considering Chozick makes it clear that Holmes is a master manipulator who knows exactly how to charm people. “How could I ask someone who was nursing her 11-day-old baby on a white sofa two feet away if she was actually conning me?” Chozick asks at one point. Holmes is alarmingly adept at weaponising white womanhood.


While I don’t think Chozick’s profile was in any way a puff piece, I understand the anger it has generated. After all, not many mothers facing prison are given a splashy redemption photoshoot in a major paper, are they? And there are, by the way, a lot of mothers in American jails: Holmes’s mother-and-felon status is not unusual. Since 1980 the number of women incarcerated in the US has grown by more than 525% – a rate of growth that’s twice as high as that of men. About 58% of women in both state and federal prison are mothers of children under the age of 18, according to a 2016 survey. Very few of these women have the press knocking at their door, trying to understand their crimes and humanise them. Very few of these women have a first chance in life, let alone a second one

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She's White and hot, US loves those sort of people. 

She will gain lots of sympathy, open another start up, make public and investors chootiyas. 

Rinse and repeat

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