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the role of art director/art department in movies…


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its one of the important and underrated department in filmmaking…

specially if anyone making historical,  mythological, socio fantasy (RRR, baahubali) or science fiction (rajani robo) ….

only few directors like rajamouli , shenkar , mani ratnam, snajay leela bhansali..etc in india …give the importance to art directors..

and also very few art directors get the recognition for their work like sabu cyril..


seems adipurush lacking in this department… 


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1 hour ago, dasari4kntr said:

its one of the important and underrated department in filmmaking…

specially if anyone making historical,  mythological, socio fantasy (RRR, baahubali) or science fiction (rajani robo) ….

only few directors like rajamouli , shenkar , mani ratnam, snajay leela bhansali..etc in india …give the importance to art directors..

and also very few art directors get the recognition for their work like sabu cyril..


seems adipurush lacking in this department… 


It lacked everything - 20 days of shooting and very low quality d u b b i n g for all languages. 

No art director, no official VFX company who can proudly say we worked on it.

It's biggest scam . And they are winning 

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Art directors in film are responsible for managing and coordinating the visual aesthetic of a film. They work closely with the director to establish the look and feel of the film and ensure that every visual element aligns with this vision.

Here's a more detailed look at some of their key duties:

1. **Design and Planning**: Art directors collaborate with the director to understand the vision for the movie. They then use this information to design and plan the visual elements, such as sets, locations, props, and costumes.

2. **Supervision**: Once the planning phase is complete, art directors oversee the construction of sets, the sourcing of locations and props, and the creation of costumes. They supervise teams of people, such as set designers, set dressers, prop masters, and costume designers.

3. **Coordination**: Art directors coordinate with other departments, like lighting, cinematography, and visual effects, to ensure all visual elements are consistent and harmonious.

4. **Budgeting**: They also have a role in budget management. They need to create visually stunning environments while adhering to the budget constraints of the project.

5. **Problem-Solving**: Art directors often have to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions when logistical or technical issues arise.

Remember, the specific duties of an art director can vary widely depending on the size and scope of the project. In a smaller production, for instance, an art director might be hands-on in creating sets and props, while in a larger production, they may take on a more supervisory role.

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