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Are ancient epics like ramayana and mahabharata true?


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How much do you believe in them honestly? I would love to know what happened to rama, sita, lakshmana and hanuman in the end if experts cud chime in as they're regarded as deities.

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6 minutes ago, Mr Mirchi said:

samudram lo dwaraka nijamaa ani asking nuvvu

Off the coast of modern Dwarka is said to be the underwater sunken much ancient city of Dwarka. This was perceived as a myth by Colonial era and post-independence historians, until Dr. SR Rao started his excavations in the 1960s.

India is not a very wealthy nation and thus it's not easy to get resources necessary for archaeology. Plus, underwater excavations are very costly and time consuming. Thus, very little excavation has been done off the coast of Dwarka.

Still, the archaeological finds there have been amazing. Here's a list of finds-

A large city wall spanning many kilometers

Harappan era seals dating back to over 1500 BC - 2500 BC

Pottery found underwater off the coast of modern Dwarka

Stone blocks


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11 minutes ago, surfroshan said:

How much do you believe in them honestly? I would love to know what happened to rama, sita, lakshmana and hanuman in the end if experts cud chime in as they're regarded as deities.

There are several theories. One of the theory says that these gods were humans many decades back with advanced technology and were very tall humans 9-12 ft tall. Some of the temples that are built are testimonial for that. Scientists do not have an answer how these are built then. 

Search Kailasa temple, ellora and read about it.

Personally I believe they existed and those are real stories.

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i am ready to believe...if i find answers for these questions...

1. which age they belong to? like stone age? bronge age? copper age..? iron age..?..etc

2. gold is rare metal on earth...lot of manual labour is needed to extract gold (even in modern days)..how in ramayan and mahabharath period gods have so much gold.. and there are so many references of gold? if shamantakamani...is real..where is it now? it would end the gold crunch...

3. why did God Rama kill Shambuka...?  what is Shambuka's wrong..?


these are honestly genuine questions...

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i personally feel that the stories regarding the kings and kingdoms are real. there must be real cities and real rulers with the same names

just the abilities and roles might be glorified or exaggerated.

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1 minute ago, dasari4kntr said:

i am ready to believe...if i find answers for these questions...

1. which age they belong to? like stone age? bronge age? copper age..? iron age..?..etc

2. gold is rare metal on earth...lot of manual labour is needed to extract gold (even in modern days)..how in ramayan and mahabharath period gods have so much gold.. and there are so many references of gold? if shamantakamani...is real..where is it now? it would end the gold crunch...

3. why did God Rama kill Shambuka...?  what is Shambuka's wrong..?


these are honestly genuine questions...

Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?

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4 minutes ago, surfroshan said:

yes some even say hanuman is still alive in himalayas as yeti/big foot not sure how much of it is true but if all of these are true there are many bad things that happen on daily basis in this world like hate, jealousy, anger, sadness, fear, murders, rapes, harassment, robberies, bullying etc..etc...why dont these so called gods come to us to help us? not even once??

Good is not appreciated until there is bad in the world. There is no value to Good without bad. An ideal world will not survive. 

Also I think these are not GODS but only humans who existed some decades before. I believe in something above us which we cant understand (referred to as God).

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Look up reptilians. They are our naaga jaathi who has complete control over human life. The negative energy called loosh which is produced  from jealousy, hate, division, fighting among humans is the primary source of food for these beings.  They live in paathal and also the owner of our current planet. some humans have reptilian brains which is due to the result of naaga jaathi shapeshifting as humans and mating with original humans. prakash raj movie nagamandala depicts this nicely

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When we look from the skies or when we look from the top of a luxorious world or when we see as a man who coasted through his life. These mythological stories are definitely not true.


But when we see as a kid who has pure mind. When we see as a man who walks in deserted lands just for earning bread, or see the world when humans are preying on your daughters. All these Ramayana and Mahabharata stories come to life.


It depends on our spiritual position whether to believe it or not.

May be some of them were really there like Kandhahar in Afghanistan and Gandhari of Kaurava mother have same names. And history is erased in Middle east, so how can you even confirm these things ? There are real places like Hastinapur, Kurukshetra, Dwaraka, Ayodhya. May be they were peaceful kingdoms once up on a time.


May be Lord Rama really took help of monkey kingdom but these magical things don't make sense when we see with the grandiose world of today. But when life comes alive, it's nothing less than a magic. Have you expected a seed to become a tree, or an embryo turn into walking human ?


Personally I think Ramayana and Mahabharata were very small stories of different kingdoms in this world of epic histories and they are refined to keep it alive for generations to come. The forms may vary but the stories are true to the core. 



Adipurush as a Ramayan story is totally bull . But it may be relevant to some moronic sections of society. It will pass by as a desperate resort to stop people from blindly converting to other religions.


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Whether these stories are true/real or not - but the people who authored these EPIC stories are legends.

Just imagine, Maha Bharat is one of the longest stories in the world and everyone in the story has a story of their own (Arjun the hero, Duryodhan the villain, Karna, Abhimanyu, Ekalavya, Dronacharya, Vaali... even the bad people/asuras) which makes it longer with 1.8 million words (that could have taken 600 years to write) - 4 times longer than Ramayana and 15x longer than the Bible.

These numbers may seem inaccurate as during those times, there may not be as many people as there are now - just within 18 days, it is said 1.6 billion people (more than the current population of India) were killed in Kurukshetra war which is the deadliest conflict in human history - that is more people killed than in Ramayana war (50M), WW1 (22M) and WW2 (60M) combined -


Using the Brahmastra, Indrajita killed 670 million vanaras in a single day; nearly exterminating the entirety of the vanara race. No warrior had ever achieved this statistical feat before in the Ramayana.

Technically not possible to write such grand stories of EPIC proportions even in these modern days of copy/paste/plagiarism. But correct ga produce cheste, these stories will be the greatest hit movies even in modern times - turning each character into individual movies. There may not be any copyrights on these epic stories and so that is one less thing to worry about if anyone wants to produce movies out of them. Copyrights in India last only the lifetime of the author + 60 years after which they enter public domain (free).

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Ramayana and Mahabharata are the greatest literary works in the world…don’t know in which era they were written but we still talk about those stories. 2000 years or 3000 years later we still talk about the characters and stories and cite examples. 

Thanks to Adipurush movie, it has reignited the interest in these epics again.

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